Introduction to Programming 150
Instructor: Ahmed Tamrawi
Class Meets:
- Section 1: SMTWTH 8:00 - 9:00am
- Section 3: SMTWTH 11:45am - 12:45pm
Syllabus: Revision 1
Course Schedule
Lecture Notes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Computers and C++ Programming
- Control Structures
- Functions
- Arrays
- Pointers and Strings
- Classes and Data Abstraction
- File Processing
- Bits, Characters, Strings and Structures
Sample Exams
Lab Tasks
- Lab 1: Introduction to C++ Programming I
- Lab 2: Introduction to C++ Programming II
- Lab 3: Control Structures I
- Lab 4: Control Structures II
- Lab 5: Control Structures III
- Lab 6: Functions I
- Lab 7: Functions II
- Lab 8: Functions III
- Lab 9: Arrays I
- Lab 10: Arrays II
- Lab 11: Arrays III
- Lab 12: Pointers and Strings I
- Lab 13: Pointers and Strings II